Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Loving these days off :)

I am enjoying my days off :) Got back from my Saudi Arabia flight on 28th in the early morning hours.. Now I have today and tomorrow off before I fly to Singapore - will be a 4 sector flight so I will be exhausted. Dubai-Colombo, then Colombo to Singapore.

Went to get my nails done yesterday, now they look decent again.  Working in the galleys are the worst for your nails... it's definitely hard work but at the end of the flight you get to go home and relax and that's not a bad thing :)

Oh woke up yesterday morning just to find out that I forgot my laptop charger at the hotel in Kuala Lumpur!!
I called the hotel and they put me through to "Lost and Found" but alas, the charger is just missing in action.. this is something you'd expect in South Africa but seems like it's not much different in Kuala Lumpur!

So yesterday I had to hunt for a laptop charger, I went to Samsung, and they told me they don't have any chargers I will have to order through another company and wait up to a week before they deliver it. Now I can't live without my laptop, I mean I don't have a TV in the flat so my laptop is everything to me. Decided will shop around and eventually found this shop in Dubai Mall that sells "International chargers" so it's not ideal for your laptop but you know it will do for now... I can always later order my Samsung Charger and just use this other one in the meantime because it works fine... JUST 300 dirhams later :(

I applied for leave in April and June, however they only allocated  7 days in April for me, still trying to get more days either in March or June but so far it seems like I will just be able to go home in April. Still, better than nothing am so looking forward to it!!! Will only pay 50% for my ticket, and after May I will only pay 10% for my tickets so not bad at all.

Below are some pictures from my day in Kuala Lumpur:



  1. I often experience leaving my charger behind too. You’re luckier because you found an international charger unlike me who was often stuck in some place. For someone who’s always traveling, it’s best to have an extra charger or battery for emergency purposes. By the way, good luck on your vacation leave!

    Lakendra Wiltse

  2. Nice pictures!! Good luck on whatever you are doing! Every time I read your blog, I feel more determined that I want to be a emirates cabin crew member.I will keep trying :)
