I love my days off! It makes me feel like I am on holiday :P except, I'm not, and I'm in actual fact stuck in Dubai....However, I do still love them!
This will probably be my last blog for a while since I am about to go on leave in a short while. I only have one more flight to complete then I will be going home...sweet home!
Next flight is: Manila. Meh, not really in the mood, but have to get it over and done with. Then I can finally relax for a few days!!
Oh! My roster for next month came out a few days ago... The lineup isn't looking bad AT ALL.
1. Guangzhou (China)
2. Johannesburg
3. Casablanca (Morocco) - New destination :)
4. Lisbon (Portugal) - New destination :)
5. Johannesburg
Extremely happy with the fact that I manage to get 2 Johannesburg flights for November :) I need to enjoy these moments because I don't have leave planned again until January so going to miss home so much!
I had some lunch with 3 of my batch mates a few days ago at Mall of the Emirates. We ate at a restaurant called "The Cheesecake Factory"
Such amazing food and the restaurant is so pretty.
Other than that I don't really often go out :S On my days off I just want to relax and not be around people. I am so happy with my own company and I don't think that's a bad thing as this job can get very lonely.
I am going to a wedding next weekend in Clarens (SA) Looking forward!! I managed to finally get a dress (have been looking for a while)
This time it will be Navy Blue (first time I bought a Navy Blue dress)
I hope the previous 2 blogs helped a bit for those who are attending open days soon! Good luck to you all, and hope you all get the Job x
Thank you for advice...
ReplyDeleteThis was my 3rd time trying but i didn't go through to the 2nd interview...i am very disappointed. I don't think i will try again.... I'm African and i read somewhere they don't hire dark skinned people is that true?
if u want can u advise me in smt? i am 34 and i want to make an application for emirates since my thirties. I didnt because i have a career in Greece working in a bank and everyone tells me that i am crazy! but i cant get it out of my mind. Am i too old now? and really does it worth it? to abandon everything to be cabin crew? i mean what happens after the 3-year contract when i will be near 40? thank u and sorry for the many questions.
ReplyDeleteoh and i am a girl born in 5-1-1980.The profile thanos papadimitropoulos is my brothers cause i use his account
ReplyDeleteHi there! There isn't really an age limit, however the sooner you try get in, the better :) And you will never know if you don't try! So I say, try if this is something that you REALLY want to do! On your question of "is it worth it" - that is up to each individual...... For me, yes I would say it was worth it doing this, however I can't say I particular "love" the job self, but I love the traveling and seeing so many new places. It is hard packing up your whole life to go to the "unknown"
ReplyDeleteBut again, you will always wonder "what if" if you don't apply and try get the job :)
Hope this helps and good luck