The Assessment day is the biggest of all...
The key is remain composed at all times. You want to freak out, but you shouldn't.
If you get short listed during the Emirates Open Day then you are one step closer getting in. :) So now you should just up your game.
If you think you had to dress to impress during the Open Day, then if you are invited to attend the Assessment Day, you should know by now that you really need to look your best.
It will be another looong day, longer than the Open Day. Again, take some snacks and water. You will be divided into groups (depending on how many people are at the Assessment day - we were in groups of 15)
There will be an introduction about the Emirates Brand hosted by the Emirates Recruitment ladies. You will have the opportunity to ask them questions about relocating to Dubai etc.
After that you will all leave the room and have a break. Then they will start the assessment by order of group number. During each assessment once you leave the room, each and every one of you will receive a folded paper/letter - when you open it up you will either find that you made it through to the next round, or that you have been cut from the line. That can be extremely nerve wrecking believe me!! Your heart beats so fast it feels as if it's going to jump out of your chest.
The first assessment will be about testing your height, then you will be called to sit down with one of the Recruitment ladies, she will go through your CV and ask you questions based on your past experience. She might also ask you why you want to work for Emirates. Remember to smile and be genuine in your answers. You will feel like a wave is about to crush over you but you should try and stay calm.
If you made it through to the next stage, you will feel how the groups are getting smaller and smaller. It's really stressful and you feel like you can't go on, however you need to be strong and motivated to push through.
The next stage you will have a chance to have some role play. They hand your group a scenario and you need to work together with your group to find a solution. Here both of the Recruiters look at each and every one of you and make notes in what they observe. After that your group needs to explain to them how you managed to work out a plan to solve the scenario. Here it can be tricky. Try to not be bossy and run the show - they WILL cut you. They are looking to find girls who are soft-spoken and not "bitchy and trying to run the show" Don't try and be the leader of the team but also don't jus sit there and not participate. They need to see that you are able to work as a team and still have respect for the other team players.
After that if you are through to the next round you will most probably write an English test (if English is not your first language)
After that they will give you another note and that will tell you if you are through to the Final Interview which will be held the next day.
Basically to sum it up for you: We were 450 at the Open Day, 78 made it through to the Assessment Day, and only 21 of us made it through to Final Interview. Out of the 21 they chose 9 girls to join the Emirates Family.
Did you know that only 4% of the World (all the other countries who apply for the job) gets chosen to work for Emirates as Cabin Crew?
That is a scary thought isn't it? But really, if you want this, you need to give it your very best and work hard. It can be achieved and if you fail the first time, don't give up. Try again.