Friday, 8 March 2013

Mauritius 2nd time, ticket to go home booked & confirmed!! & other things

I am a very happy girl today! My flight ticket has been booked and confirmed! I will fly out on the 17th of April at 04:40 and will land in beautiful South Africa at 10:50 local time. I am too excited!

Hopefully they will allocated me a day off on the 16th so that I can move my booking a day earlier... the more time I can spend with my family the better :)

So I had the pleasure of going to Mauritius for a second time, it was so nice. Really nice crew, made friends with this one girl from Germany and also bought some nice food items at Pick 'n Pay. Pick 'n Pay is a well known shop you can find everywhere in South Africa.

Here are the food I bought with my allowance money from Emirates:

It's amazing isn't it?
I'm pretty sure these items won't last long :P

Anyways so tomorrow I fly to Bangkok. It's going to be a 4-sector trip meaning: Dubai - Bangkok. Then layover at Bangkok for 24 hours. Then we fly Bangkok - Hong Kong. Then we're sitting at the Emirates Lounge for 4 hours in the Airport. Then we fly back to Bangkok. Then layover at Bangkok for another 24hours. Only then do we fly back to Dubai... I'm going to be tired I know. Flying with the A380 so 26-27 cabin crew. Small galleys :( I prefer flying with Boeing. It's just more simple and less passengers.

I have also been assigned as the Duty Free Operator on tomorrow's flight. :( Will be my first time ever, I don't have a clue what to do honestly. So, will be stressful. But, guess I have to learn sometime sooner than later. Luckily it's the only A380 flight I have for this month :)

Below, another picture from Mauritius, also 2 photos of my babies, my COSMO and VOGUE. I seriously can't wait to see them in April & Of course my sexy man!!!



  1. Yeah!!!! I am happy for you!!! By the way, I have the same kind of dog like the one in your picture!!! A white and orange beagle :)Her name is Sunny.

  2. Thanks sweety :) it will be a happy day when I get to hold my dogs again!! Sunny is such a pretty name, dogs really become family and crawl into our hearts
