There's not many days left for me in South Africa, as I will soon embark on my new journey to Dubai UAE.
I am very excited and believe that I will be successful from here onwards, not only in my personal life, but also on a career level.
I haven't even started with my vaccinations, and I need to try get all of them done, before I travel to Dubai as I think it can be quite expensive to get it all done there.
Also, I decided to resign a bit sooner than initially thought. I will resign on the 11th of October, and my last day at work will be the 25th. That means smiles all round.
I also started looking at luggage this weekend, I don't want to spend too much on that as Emirates will be giving me luggage once I start working for them, and as soon as I start to fly, I will soon be able to buy any luggage I want, from any country I want!!
Will also move out of the apartment on the 3rd of November, then will stay at my mom's place until I fly 2 weeks later.
It gives me some time to sort out all the things as I do not want to be rushed.
Also begun with a list of things I need to remember to pack. The packing will be frustrating as I only have 50kg to play with.
What to take, and what to leave...
Received my email from Emirates today, stating that I can resign from my current work when I am ready to do so, as they have obtained my Final Approval.
It's surely a great relief once you receive the email notification/sms from Emirates advising you to resign.
My work has been annoying me so much the last couple of days, so you can imagine my relief when that message came through.
I wish I could resign tomorrow already, however I still need to keep my head high, and push through for the next 5 weeks.
I only have to give 2 weeks notice as I only started the "new job" about a month ago. At the time I applied for Emirates, this job opportunity came along, and I would have been foolish to decline as I was not sure of what the outcome with Emirates would be.
I feel so bad knowing that in 5 weeks I will resign, but at the same time, I am busy counting the days.
It still feels like a dream. I will soon leave behind my loved ones, my family, my two dogs (Cosmo and Vogue)
and a great Country...
The Emirates Medicals is something that everyone worries about. It shouldn't stress you out, if you know that overall you're healthy.
Here I will list all the medical tests needed to be done, and also state which ones are crucial to uploading onto the Candidate Portal.
- HIV test
- Heamoglobin test (Blood count)
- VDRL test (Syphillis)
- Hepatitus B
- Cervical Smear (for females only)
- Dental Certificate
- Vaccinations (Yellow Fever is most important)
- Health Declaration Form
- Appendix 2 (to be completed by you truthfully and to be uploaded onto the Candidate Portal)
- Chest X-Ray (to check for any TB)
- Dental X-Ray
Overall, you should have good eye sight - 6/9 vision. Your hearing should also be good.
As far as I could see, this test is not needed to be done in your home country, but will be checked upon arrival in Dubai.
I completed all my medicals in more or less 1 day.
It's annoying, but once it's done, then you are almost there!
I only uploaded the following Documents onto the Portal:
- Health Declaration Form
- Appendix 2 (page 1 and 2)
- Dental Certificate
I am still waiting now for final approval, however after I uploaded these documents, a day after, they changed my Medicals on the portal as "checked and completed"
The rest of the test results, you should carry with you to Dubai (note: keep the originals)
There are quite a lot of vaccinations which needs to be completed (you need to have the Yellow Fever one done before you travel to Dubai)
The rest of the vaccinations you can either complete in your home country, or this will be done upon Arrival in Dubai (the cost will be deducted from your basic salary)
- Polio (must be within the last 10 years)
- Diphtheria (must be within the last 10 years)
- Thyphoid
- Hepatitus B
- Hepatitus A
- MMR (Measles, Mups, Rubella)
- Yellow Fever
- Meningococcal ACWY 135
- Varicella (chickenpox)