Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Shhhh.... I have some exciting news!!

Life has been hectic! But I am so excited about the future, and the last couple of months have been amazing! 

So, now for my exciting news:

:) Our little bundle of joy is due on 15 July 2015 (on my birthday - fancy that hey!)

I couldn't be more ready for this journey and I am just so happy that I can share this news with the world. So on Tuesday I am going for another scan, then I will be almost 17 weeks. We are hoping to find out the gender, and I hope that it will be a girl.... I have a feeling that it is a girl, however my husband think it's a boy - actually he is adamant that it is!!

I really don't mind if it's a boy or a girl, I just want a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy!

Work has been keeping me busy, and before I know, I catch myself counting how the months are flying by! I miss flying, I think of it often.... I will forever treasure all my memories! But, life is so great right now, I really wouldn't change a single thing!

I hope this year will be amazing! For everyone who's applied for Emirates, all the best with the interviews and go get your dreams!
